
Thursday 28 November 2013

MORE CHANGES!! (Yes, More)

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Hi everyone! We are going to bring more changes.Why?

Because we are evolving, we have just reached 3,500 followers on twitter. Less than month and a half ago we set out the goal of starting to globalize the account and we are already achieving it! There has already been contact with non-Spanish speaking people, (Japanese, German, American people...) and many who we hadn´t realized were followers.

Ultimately... we set out a goal and we are achieving it and this is exactly what we want you to do.

That´s why we want you to put all your effort in sending us original work, that is, your own work, because this is your objective, to improve and evolve… And if we are achieving it, you can do it as well! We know it is very difficult to put what you have in your mind onto paper… but with effort and practice we know you can do it. You have an account dedicated to retweeting your work. If you find someone with a drawing style that you like you can ask, follow, help each other and grow together, because that is the fun thing, right? This post is dedicated to supporting you in taking the step of creating your own original work.

Note: original does not mean that they cannot be a character wich has already been created, i.e. If your drawing is Goku in a posture and doing something that you have not copied, even if the character belongs to Akira Toriyama, it is original because it isn´t a copy of another picture already created, that drawing reflects your own essence.

 With this are we saying that we won't retweet copied drawings...?

No, but we promise that we will spam people who send us a copied drawing with the link of this post. (?)  *evil laughter*.

Now seriously, we will retweet the copies too, but we are going to support the author with the purpose of making him send us original drawings, giving more importance to them in our account.

And how are we going to give more importance within the account to the original drawings...?


- Setting a Monthly topic: this will consist of monthly selection of works related to a topic of the month. Random example: #DrawingAtXmas (???) The topics will be chosen based on the months of the year and although right now we have the first months clear enough, we are open to suggestions for the following topics. Anyone who wants to submit work to this selection, must present their work with the Hashtag that we will give for the month´s topic.

The project that is selected from all the work sent during that month will be placed as the header of the account for all of the following month and can thus accompany the rest of changes that the account will have according to the chosen theme.


November > hashtag from December > December´s header.

December > hashtag of January > January´s header and so on.

Note*: The selected work will be edited, adding the author´s account to it, so each person entering the account will see the work and know to whom it belongs. With the author's permission the work will also be placed somewhere on the blog so that people can get the work as their header, always making it clear who the author is using by watermarks.

- Setting a Weekly drawing: Unlike the monthly topic, the weekly drawing will be selected from all those you send us via the normal method (mentions). This drawing in particular will be placed throughout the week as the first tweet of the account, staying all week in first place (we will re-retweet it continuously) so as many people as possible can see it.

- Holding contests: As always contests will begin at a particular number of followers. The only difference is that now there are two established categories; one specifically for manga and the other not. (Although this will be clarified in databases).

Yet, in all these events only original work can be used, hence, these events will serve to promote creativity and the work of the artists that want to participate.

In conclusion,we have to say that this change is driven by the spirit of improvement and support that we want to convey at @MangaMakers  You can be whatever you want, don't forget it. You should not feel bad about, perhaps, the difficulty of drawing something original and not try it again. Everyone has to start somewhere and is it always difficult at the beginning. The important thing is to not give up, to learn from your mistakes and move on.

The MangaMakers team hopes that you enjoy the account while you improve as artists and we wish good luck to you of all.

Thank you for your time.

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